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What Do The Game Testing Services Do Exactly?

By October 14, 2014No Comments

The core responsibility of any game testing service is to find bugs in a game until there are no bugs anymore. From the face of it, the job appears quite enjoyable. Play games all the time and at the end of the day list out all the bugs found from all the nooks and corners of the interactive entertainment application – as simple as that. However, the job in real is not that easy.

How incredible it might sound for the game testing services, playing games, is not fun at all. It is hard-work! The job starts with performing some standard tests one by one, including a few that have step by step manual to be followed. The intention behind playing is not entertainment but to identify any weird behaviours in the game, like freeze, crash or progression blocks. The objective is to find bugs in the game’s design or code. The game tester also needs to show the parts of the game that are working perfectly as intended.

The next step forward is to amplify the defects found. In other words, the testers must deduce all permutations and combinations for a particular bug to happen. This means that the testers must check everywhere for bugs and no place should be considered safe or infallible. It must also be documented as to how each defect or bug affects the game. Only once the problems in the game have been found in their entirety, do the testers report the bugs to the developers. Thereupon, the job of the developers starts by fixing the outlined defects in the game.

Once the bugs have been fixed, the game testing service once again tests the game for bugs. The tester tries to find bugs at all the places possible. If any found, it is tried hard to find more occurrences of the same bug at more places and more frequently at that. Once that is achieved, the bug is documented, reported and gotten fixed. It’s much like Do-Until loop sort of a scene.

Article by,

Laxmikant B. Thipse
Founder & CEO
GameCloud Technologies Pvt Ltd